Our Wishlist

We have an amazon wishlist account

  1. Baby Clothing
  2. Breast Pump
  3.  Diaper Rash Relief Cream
  4. Newborn Hypoallergenic Liquid  Detergent

  5. Baby Essential Kit
  6. Feminine Hygiene Wipes
  7. Formula
  8. Menstrual Disc
  9. Tampons
  10. Pads
  11. Diapers
  12. Pull-ups, ETC.

Volunteer Opportunity

There are a variety of ways in which you or your organization can become involved. Volunteering, hosting a drive or donating are just a few of them. With everyone working towards one goal we can help more families to achieve the success they desire! Please fill out the form below if you are interested in becoming a volunteer.

 Volunteer with us!

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At Power In Changing - Diaper Bank of the Midlands, we rely on the generosity of donors like you to support families in need. Your contribution can make a significant impact on the lives of babies and parents in our community. If you want to give back through volunteer opportunities for individuals and groups, please contact us using the form on our website. Join us in making a difference today!

Sign Up Here!


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